Tuesday, November 30, 2010

News of the Day

So . . . once in a while I hear about a bunch of news stories within a short time, all of which inspire in me some emotion (usually disgust, but not always).  Today was one of those days.  In a matter of an hour or so I heard about four news stories on the radio that stuck with me, and I thought I could comment on them.  I found out about all of them on the Howard Stern show this morning, but have since checked into them a bit further to get more detail.  The stories after the jump.

Let's start with Sarah Palin.  She said over the weekend that we have to "stand by our North Korean allies."  For those readers who are less up on their international politics, it's important to note that North Korea is not an ally of, well, anyone.  The U.S. is an ally of South Korea.  Good thing that helpful Glenn Beck corrected her so she could get it right the second time.  Now, I've heard the defense offered by her and her PR team (i.e. Fox News), specifically that the liberal media is always looking for any gaffe that they can use against her.  First of all, where Palin is concerned, you don't have to look very far.  Second, the illiberal media do the same thing.  And third, and most importantly, the prevailing wisdom is that Palin will attempt a run at the presidency at some point in the next decade.  As President it is important to know the difference between North and South Korea.  Do we really want a President who needs to be corrected when they pronounce something like "Bomb Sorth Korea!"

As for Palin ever becoming President, I'm softening my stance from "couldn't possibly happen" to "crap, it could happen."  You'd think people would have learned from the Dubya experience that maybe an "aw, shucks" attitude towards thinking and knowledge is not good, but then again the people who supported Bush (and still do) think learning is for sissies.  After all, aren't we learning everything we need to know about Palin from her reality show?  I saw an ad for it yesterday, and it looks like she's gonna shoot a caribou!  Vote for her!

Second, I heard a story about five kids (ranging in age from 2 to 11) who were found abandoned in a condemned building in Pennsylvania, left to fend for themselves (no, they weren't Palin's kids.  Those kids are getting development deals).  There was no food, hot water, or heat.  The parents, Louann Bowers and Sinhue Johnson, have been arrested, and apparently the kids will need major therapy and education before they can assimilate into society.  The mom, Bowers, apparently said to the media that she thinks she may not have paid as much attention to the kids as she ought to have.  Really?  Ya think?  The bad news: Bowers gave birth to a sixth child shortly after the arrest was made.  The good news: maybe Octomom or Katherine Jackson can take care of the kid. 

Third, Jay Leno was forced to make a public apology because he stole a bit from an online video post.  Now, we all know that Leno steals things (staff, ideas, timeslots) but usually he gets away with it.  This time it caught up with him.  Apparently some people (Rich Juzwiak and Kate Spencer) had posted a video compilation of Taylor Swift's reactions each time she won a televised award (I assume to the effect that she always has the same faux-surprised expression).  Leno used a segment of this video and said it was something that his writing staff had come up with.  If he was my student, he would fail the course because of plagiarism.  And the worst part is, he could have just credited the source - they would have probably granted permission.  But no, that's not the way that Jay operates.  Oh, but how can I stay mad at him . . . those headlines are so funny!

And finally, and my favorite, Buffalo Bills receiver Steve Johnson tweeted God yesterday after dropping the potentially game-winning pass.  The exact tweet was:


First of all, don't write God in all caps.  He has super-hearing, and it makes his head hurt.  Kidding aside, it seems as though Johnson takes his petitionary prayer a little too seriously.  Here God was thinking that Johnson was praising him because, you know, he's God, and all along all Johnson wanted was flawless receiving.  Then again, like most athletes he probably thanks God after every big play, so I guess it's only fair that he blame Him when things don't work out.  Incidentally, Johnson spoke out the next day and said that his tweet was meant as a question and that since the tweet his family and friends have brought him some perspective.  If it took his family and friends to do this, isn't that just another example of God letting Johnson down?  But maybe Leno can use the same tweet after he was shamed too.

There, now you're informed.

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