Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't Worry, You're Not Rid of Me Yet

So . . . turns out I'm on a bit of an impromptu hiatus this month.  I've been quite busy with my non-blogging life, and haven't been giving y'all the attention I usually do.  Fear not - my pithy comments and wise proclamations will soon return to these virtual pages.  I have plenty of splendid ideas for posts that I am currently hoarding, and will mete them out to you soon enough.  Maybe once August rolls around.  In the meantime, what are you doing inside reading off a screen?  Get out and enjoy the summer!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Full of Fun Facts For the Fourth

So . . . last year I did a special Canada Day edition of the blog, in which I gave interesting and lesser-known facts about each of Canada's twenty-odd Prime Ministers.  I thought, seeing as how a significant portion of my readership (at least five people) are from south of the border, that this year I would do the same for the US Presidents.  Problem is that there are twice as many, so I will only be giving a factoid or two about each.  Enjoy!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Feelin' Fruity

So . . . the sun is shining (for now), the humidity is up, and everyone's complaining that it's too hot - must be summer!  Without a doubt, summer is my favourite time of year (yeah, I know, real unique on that).  Even though I hate mowing the lawn, I don't hate it as much as shovelling snow.  Spring is just a warm-up for the real deal, and fall is okay if you like to surround yourself reminders of our own mortality.  Nope, summer kicks the butt of all of those other seasons, if only for one reason - fresh produce.