Monday, October 17, 2011

The Limit of What I Don't Know

So . . . I think I'm going to stop blogging.  I don't know, the romance has gone out of it for me - it's become more like work than I had hoped.  I started this blog about a year-and-a-half ago for a variety of reasons: to vent my opinions, to organize some of my research thoughts, to test out new ideas, and to take over the web.  Some of these have come to pass, others haven't.  If you are a regular reader (the chosen few), you know that my output has become more sporadic over the last little while (and in the summer, my output was nearly non-existent).  The thing is, I didn't miss it.  I used to look forward to writing my musings, and now my thought processes are more along the lines of "oh yeah, I have to do that today too."

Maybe I'll miss it again.  I hope I will.  And I have lots of ideas for topics, some of which are half-written and saved as drafts that I never got around to finishing.  So I may return.  But for now, I don't think I want to do this anymore.  Yes, I've been busier than usual and that may be contributing to it.  And yes, the lack of response is disheartening, no doubt about that.  But I felt that I went into this with my eyes wide open, that I would probably not draw very many readers and at the time I was okay with that.

To use an image from the book The Age of Persuasion, I feel like I'm in a baseball stadium, shouting at the top of my lungs while everyone else is shouting too.  A few people might pick up some of what I'm trying to say, but most don't care.  That's fine; I don't have to be heard by everyone. 

I hope that what I've written over the past while has entertained/enlightened/thought-provoked/enraged/amused/interested/time-wasted successfully.  This may not be my last posting, but it will almost certainly be my last posting for some time.  Thanks for paying attention and for your comments, and hopefully I'll get the urge to rant at you again.


1 comment:

  1. hey cuzzin-in-law i always check these posts! they are really amusing to read (particularly while at work sitting at my cubicle desk), even if i don't leave comments.... (to be honest, i really feel intellectually inferior - so to be safe i don't comment :p )

    do what you need to though (of course) since it's more like a chore to you, but when-or if-you are interested in venting random musings, then be aware that i'll probably be on here once again to read'em. ~ shiraz
