Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hey, baby, what's your sign?

So . . . today is my birthday, which anyone reading this blog would know because I tend to make a moderately big deal of it (plus, anyone reading this blog is almost certainly someone who knows me personally, so I would have beat you over the head with the fact that it's my special day). Which brings up the topic of astrology.

Astrology, frankly, is a load of crap. Most people know this, though some people delude themselves into thinking they know this and then go checking their horoscope anyway. I have actually heard somewhat intelligent people try to defend a scientific basis for astrology, and I ain't buying it. There is, however, a scientific basis for why some people buy it.

A common criticism of these prognostications is that everyone is lumped into one of 12 categories, and 1/12 of all people aren't going to have the same thing happen to them. I take the opposite view - I think that 100% of people are going to have the 'same thing' happen to them, because the predictions are vague enough to apply to anything. For example, here is my "if today is your birthday" horoscope (because today is in fact my birthday):

"There is something you would like to do but are reluctant to get started because you fear that others might not approve. That’s just an excuse and you know it. It’s really your own fear that is holding you back. It’s now or never. "

Tell me, is there anyone out there to whom this wouldn't apply? Add to this the fact that horoscopes are published every day and you get a serious confirmation bias. If a horoscope says (as my Gemini horoscope says today) that my life will soon be turned upside down in a positive way, and it happens, presto! They predicted correctly (note they didn't say when it would happen, just 'soon'). If it doesn't happen, I forget about it because I get another prediction tomorrow, and I guarantee it won't be along the lines of "you will wait for yesterday's horoscope to come true."

On the same note, the personality-trait side of astrology is also bunk. I am a Gemini, which supposedly means I have a (non-schitzoid) split personality. Really? There's more than one side to my personality? What a shocker! Good thing it's only Geminis that exhibit that trait. Astrological traits of various signs such as stubbornness, gullibility, fairness, crabbiness; all of these apply to everyone at some point or another.

Well, at least astrology did give us a hackneyed pick-up line.

Have a happy Eric's birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Eric!

    I read your blog -- found it good reading and interesting! I found it even more interesting that you are blogging, but maybe I'll learn more about you as I read... I didn't know you were contrary??

    Hope you have a great day

  2. Hi,

    It's me, anonymous.

    Very humorous and informative entries, especially for those foolish enough to believe in astrology. Surely all critical thinkers recognize that for adumbrative validity, and overall tastiness, you can't go PAST the slightly hamentashen-shaped FORTUNE COOKIE! "You will be constipated..." That is one smart cookie.

    Looking forward to reading more.

    Happy Birthday!!! Again!!!

    A aka G

  3. Hi

    I actually found your writing to be thoughtfull and entertaining. I wanted to be critical but I agreed, much to my surprise, with what you said and how you said it. Especially about Lost as I have never seen an episode.

    Happy Birthday (Iwas at yor actual "birth" day)(ialso like parentheses)


  4. Happy birthday Eric!!! Glad you are blogging. Fun to read, thoughtful, and thought-provoking. Like Dad, I also agree that you are contrary. And other stuff that you said. Except about names and naming. If you had been named Erica instead of Eric it would have had an enormous impact on your life. Trust me.

    big sis

  5. Interesting thoughts and highly entertaining read..happy birthday again ED!!

  6. Heya bro!

    Fun and entertaining...I have to be contrary (like you, as I only today discovered by reading your blog. And, apparently, like Shawna) and disagree that 'any reasonable name' will do for a child, and that the name doesn't influence the person. But a blog is supposed to spark discussion, so I guess my disagreement is good!
    The rest of the posts were fun and thought-provoking (and not as argument-provoking).

    Happy birthday! Looking forward to reading more (in all my free time)!


  7. Thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes! I'm glad you all seem to enjoy the blog, and make sure you check back frequently to remain entertained by my musings.

    The post that generated the most dissent was the one about names, so I've added a response to that post in the comments section.

    Thanks again - I had a great birthday!
