Saturday, June 26, 2010

Weekend Frivolity

So . . . I thought I would go lighter on the subject matter for my weekend posting this week. Just a little diversion to give you a giggle on your days off.

I really like infomercials, I think that they are an entertainment form all their own. I use them in my advertising course (naturally) to illustrate both the good and the bad. There are the classics (I've fallen and I can't get up, etc.), and then there are more recent ones. I was shown a couple this week that I've included here.

There's my all-time favorites, the Magic Bullet and Bullet Express. If I happen to catch this on TV, I'm watching the whole thing. Just horribly, terribly bad in all respects, but not low-budget. It's surprising that Mick and Mimi (yes, they have names, and I know them) don't get more acting work. But as I've said before, if they gave the video away with the product, I would own a Magic Bullet already.

The now-class Vince Shlomi infomercials, for the ShamWow and the SlapChop (this company is big on mid-word capitals). Apart from his proclivity for hand-to-hand combat with prostitutes, Vince is a master salesman. Obnoxious, but not in a condescending way like Mick and Mimi.

Not an infomercial, but my favorite commercial of all time. I'm still trying to figure out what it is, and what it's just like . . . any ideas? Still, if you're in Montgomery, and need living rooms, bedrooms, or dinettes, or just want to make it a dance, go there.

Speaking of unclear, here's a classic from a few years ago. If someone can work out how you apply it, let me know.

The ones I was shown this week (thanks Becky!): the Hawaii Chair (imagine going into a business meeting and seeing someone sitting on this); the iGallop (going into a business meeting and seeing someone sitting on this!); and the Better Marriage Blanket (stay classy).

Feel free to share your own favorites and please include links! Have a great weekend!

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