Friday, April 1, 2011

No Foolin' Around - Help the Capital Protesters

So . . . one headline got me incensed today, more than any other.  It's about the ongoing protests in the Middle East, and I just feel like I've had enough of this.  But I really think it's starting to go too far.  The headline: "Rival Protests Fill Yemen's Capital."  I know what you're thinking: why this headline?  Why is this one the one that pushed him over the edge?  Well, you may disagree, but I believe that it's beyond the pale for protesters to have to fit into the the triangular wedge between the two upright lines of that letter.

First of all, how big is this capital y exactly?  I mean, people have a right to protest without being crammed into some 12-point font.  And it's not just one protest, but rival protests, so at least two people have to fit in there.  I've never been to Yemen, but I'm assuming that people over there are more or less the same size as here, so that's a tight squeeze.  Is the Y sans serif?  Because those can be sharp, and injuries may occur.  And furthermore, if it's some wacky font the whole thing may topple over.

Assuming the Y is big enough, who paid for it?  Maybe the protests wouldn't have occurred in the first place if government coffers weren't emptied to build giant letters in which to hold protests.  To boost tourism sure, or maybe teach Yemeni children the English alphabet (after all, those in the Middle East tend to go mad with joy when Western ideas are imported - I know, I've seen the videos).  But for protesters?  Surely a public square or trapezoid would be more appropriate.

If this took place in Oman's capital I could understand.  It's round, roomy, comfortable.  Could also be fun if it started to roll, kind of like an amusement park ride.  This also explains why Iran's capital protests never succeed; only one person can stand on the top at a time, leading to a pretty toothless protest.

I strongly urge the readership of this blog to do whatever they can stop the madness going on in Yemen's capital and un-wedge the protesters.  Write your congressman or member of parliament, call into news shows, and forward this blog to opinion leaders.

One other headline about the Middle East today also caught my attention but mostly got me confused.  It said that the Kuwaiti cabinet resigned en masse, but that doesn't make sense, because I'm pretty sure they're Muslim and not Catholic.

Happy April Fool's Day!

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