Friday, April 29, 2011

Some Stuff That You May Not Have Heard Of

So . . . today I'm doing something a little different, just listing off some of the lesser-known (I think) things that may be of interest or entertainment.  No particular theme, rant, or complaint today, just some stuff to make your Friday a little fresher.  Enjoy!

Fistful of Mercy: This is a band that recently released its first album (sample songs here and here).  It's comprised of Ben Harper (who has lots of other stuff I like), Dhani Harrison (George's son, though he kinda looks like he may also be the love child of Alan Cumming too), and Joseph Arthur (about whom I know nothing).  Good acoustic rock, just three guys with guitars, voices, and stuff to bang their hands against.

Eugene Mirman: absurdist stand-up comic and freakin' hilarious.  Here's a video with some of his material, and you should check it all out,  but my favorite part starts around 2:05 and goes for a couple of minutes.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: a collection of plastic garbage swirling around the middle of the pacific, stuck in one spot due to the ocean currents.  Conservative estimates have it being about the size of two Texases.

Super Sad True Love Story: the latest novel from Gary Shteyngart, whose previous books (Absurdistan and The Russian Debutante's Handbook) were also good, but this one is a leap forward (all three feature protagonists who, like the author, were born in Russia and moved to the U.S. during childhood, so if that's your thing, he's your author).  Very funny, takes place in the near future that seems very real, and keeps you interested throughout.

South Street Burger Company: Ever wish that New York Fries opened a good burger joint?  Well, they did, so you can get a real burger (not Mickey D's or BK) with interesting toppings (horseradish dijon, hot pepper relish, etc) and NYF on the side (or NYF poutine).  Easily my favorite not-so-fast-food option for burgers, at least until The Works opens near me later in the year.

Paul and Storm: a nerd-folk-rock duo that have some great material, funny, inventive stuff (examples here, here, and here).  Because they have so many short songs you can go to iTunes and preview the entire thing.  Also, on their website they have a great collection of snack foods that sound like sex acts (my favorites: Juicy Oozers and Ginger Nuts).

Mental_Floss magazine: more than just a magazine full of interesting and surprising information about just about anything, but also they have a great Facebook and Twitter feed.  The website is addictive, especially the lists.

Centralia, Pennsylvania: this is the town where the ground is on fire, and will be for the next millenium or so.  Deep in the heart of Pennsylvania coal mining country, a rich seam of anthracite (a type of coal that is very hard, and very hard to light, but once lit impossible to put out) caught fire in 1962, causing the population of the town go from about 1000 three decades ago to about 10 now (and why they're still there, I don't know).  At one point the ground literally opened up and swollowed a 12-year-old boy (he survived).

Danny Bhoy: no, not a misspelling of the Irish song, but a great stand-up comic.  He made a splash at the Just For Laughs show a few years ago, so if you watch the TV show of the comedy festival you may of seen his act (example here). 

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the burger and Centralia bits - very much of interest to me!
